Monday, 2 February 2009

Left Wing Racism

It has always been a persistent lie that racist politics has been the preserve of the right in politics.

If you ever talk to someone identifying themselves with right-of-centre politics then you usually hear "I don't care as long as you work/pay tax/keep the lawn tidy". Those on the right don't really care about race. We accept all as long as they are good neighbours and pay their way in the world.

On the Left they are all about race. Identity is the centre of their politics. Favouring or promoting special interest groups is pretty much their core operations. They need the minority ethnics or sexual orientation groups to go into bat when their ill thought out emotionally driven policies need pushed. Who would argue with the poorly paid worker? Or the lesbian outreach councillor? Anyone who does is labeled a reactionary/racist or worse. They are an effective way of shutting down debate when your arguments or policies are dangerous or unpopular. Kind of why for 8 years Bush=Hitler.

So it was with some satisfaction that I am watching footage of Unite union officials stand up and call for "British Jobs for British Workers" (readers may recall unions denouncing Brown for using that phrase last year as the language of the BNP*).

Of course what the unions are not happy about is that these Johnny Foreigners are non-union, they don't pay any dues and they threaten their power base. But all we can see on the telly is the champions of left wing politics telling people that those with a funny accent are unwelcome and dangerous.

Savour the irony and remember that the next time anyone tries to tell you that left wingers are a tolerant bunch.

*Anyone who has ever read the really shitty document that is the BNP election manifesto will know that their politics are of increased public spending, increased taxation and increased state powers. Everything the Labour movement stands for. The only thing that they differ on is their open xenophobia.

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