It is well known in economic circles that if you subsidise something then you get more of it. The best example is the world famous butter mountains that the EU periodically spawn.
In the past the EU farming subsidies paid mainly to the French have distorted the markets so that we in the EU pay “cheaper” prices for EU produce, squeezing other producers out of the market. Of course these things are not cheaper – we already pay for the product once through EU contributions that are then redistributed as farming subsidies but the fact is we subsidise wheat, corn, milk or anything else and we get more of it.
Indeed the reverse is also true. In the perverted world of the EU you are subsidised to let your fields go fallow (thereby increasing your “production” of nothing) in order to compensate for when the first lot of subsidies produce too much. It is of course impossible for the EU simply to cut subsidies on actual production as this causes the French farmers to take to the streets and burn goats in front of Parisian branches of McDonalds.
And this theory holds true for one of the greatest “unspeakable” truths in the UK today.
Say it quietly for you don’t want to get the professional victims blood up. But if you subsidise having children then you will produce more children.
First up I should explain that this is a theme that I am expanding on from the First Lady of conservative politics Ann Coulter. A number of months ago she wrote (much better than I) about the effects of child benefit in the US (cannot find the link at the moment). She drew a link between the ever rising child benefits available and the ever rising birth rates particularly into fatherless, incomeless “poverty families”. And she noted that when Bush cut child benefit the birth rate into these demographics dropped. If you subsidise something you get more of it, if you cut subsidies you get less of it.
The ever thought provoking Trixy is pointing out that the politicians are taking our tax money away from our own families to give it to people in reward for having babies. The case of the alleged 13-year-old father in the news at the tail end of last week appears to be transforming into a one stop shop for confirming everything you ever suspected about the cattle subsidies we give to the subclass of humanity festering in the sink estates of this country.
Simple fact is that we are now at a point in time where we are making dubious heroes out of these children having babies. Alfie says he will be a good parent but I would agree with Trixy that he does not have the skills or experience to even comprehend what that means or entails.
Alfie himself sprang from the loins of a feckless whoremonger who has sired 9 children by different women, Alfie’s babymama may actually be the local bike who has slept with other local boys who now appear very keen to be saddled with a baby that has appeared on the front page of The Sun and all this is played out in such a way as to somehow glamorise the appalling situation that they have gotten themselves into.
The families of the two children, who have managed to somehow produce the generation that will pay for Jeremy Kyle’s girls to go to private school, are not upset that their babies are having babies but that the taxpayer funded Social Services department are living up to their expectations on the level of service. Their reaction has been that they feel their expected level of entitlement has not been fulfilled.
We have subsidised these people to reproduce like human cattle. And their first reaction to a physical manifestation of statutory rape was not to hunt down the boy that defiled their daughter and kill him in the most horrific manner possible. No, it was to immediate cry that the government is not giving them enough free money.
Here is a thought. Go out and earn money in a job. Can’t get a job before you turn 16? Should have thought about that before you chucked your muck up inside the Estate Entertainment Centre.
If the next Tory government wants to do something about these parasites then the first thing it should do is scrap the child benefits and incorporate it back into a child element of personal tax allowance. That way only those earning an actual wage will “benefit” and even then it will be by keeping more of your own money.
Fizz Gone from Cam’s Champagne
8 years ago
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